Aircotec XC-TrainerEasy

¥6800 原价:¥0




  • 20 chanel GPS

  • High sensitivity VARIO (unique Dual technologie)

  • 40 hourse power supply

  • 18 hours flight storage

  • USB for charge / speed / PC

  • Big button, Big display

  • Very user friendly software

  • High resistant case

  • Top price

Easy manual as pdf-file for  download

Barogram &Compass display

  1. 1. Windspeed

  2. Groundspeed (SOG-Speed)

  3. Altiude

  4. Great digital Vario , climp/sink rate

  5. Barogramm fort he last 10 min +-500m

  6. Gleide angle

  7. Course Over Ground indicator (track off) to 3 Way       point or 3 MARK, Takeoff or Nord

  8. Distance to chosen Takeoff, Way point or MARK

  9. Clock with hr/min

  10. Compass

  11. Wind direction


Thermal & Windcurve display

  1. Windspeed

  2. Groundspeed (SOG-Speed)

  3. Altiude

  4. Great digital Vario , climp/sink rate

  5. Vario averager for the last 10,20 or 30sec

  6. Speed discription curve ( Aircotec Patent)

  7. Visualised thermal (Aircotec Patent)

  8. Distance to chosen Takeoff, Way point or MARK

  9. Elapsed time flight

  10. Direction to chosen Takeoff, Way point or MARK       (track off)

  11. Wind direction

VARIO diplay:

  1. Windspeed

  2. Groundspeed (SOG-Speed)

  3. Direction to chosen Takeoff, Way point or MARK       (track off)

  4. Gleide angle

  5. Altiude

  6. Digital Vario -99.0m/s bis +99.0m/s

  7. Alt 0

  8. Vario averager for the last 10,20 or 30sec

  9. Distance to chosen Takeoff, Way point or MARK

  10. Clock with hr/min

  11. Analog Vario o-5m/S und 5-9m/S

  12. Wind direction

XC-TrainerEasy Technical Specifications

GPS receiver:
20 channel  parallel, 2D/3D position (WGS 84),altitude, speed, direction, internal aerial

-1000m to +8200m,  resolution 1m.

Digital  indication from –90.0m/s to +90.0m/s Analogue indication from 0 to 5m/s and  from 5 to 9,5 m/s. Acoustic signal for climbing initiates at +0.1m/s. This  may be switched off. Acoustic signal for sink can be set to initiate between  –0.1m/s and –5m/s. Settings in MENU/SETTINGS/VARIO From –5m/s a sink alarm  will be heard regardless of settings

Flight recording  in UTC. Display shows local time and elapsed time since launch

Flight data: 18  hours every second, 6 editable waypoints

Data transfer:
USB for charge,  speed, PC

Power supply:
Rechargeable  Li-Ion 3.7V/1800mAh. Operating time per charging app. 40 hours. The  instrument is equipped with an “intellicharge” system. To protect the Li-Ion  battery the XC-Trainer will shut itself down when before the battery is  completely flat, saving all flight data beforehand.

(Only with speed  sensor connected) 0 – 160km/h Total-Energy-Compensation (TEC) 0 – 90%

137x66x28mm,  weight including battery 150g